No alcohol. This is day 1. I’m watching Godfather and wondering how anyone can understand Marlon Brando without the subtitles on.Read More →

episode 16: major depressive disorder

blue falls into a hole again and talks about where she stands on depression and how to get out of it. thanks to the harris center in Houston, who was able to provide me with low cost mental health resources, even when i thought i was making “too much” money.Read More →

episode 14: stop drinking (and other ways to curb your alcoholism)

blue is candid about her drinking problem and gives you some low brow advice on how to stop making an ass of yourself in front of your friends. all right guys so i think i learned something about myself. it’s very possible i could be an alcoholic. and i’ve been saying it out loud for a while now because it sounds like a joke, another one of my shticks. “heyRead More →