overcome laziness

laziness is annoying as hell. yeah, i know i got a lot of things i should be doing, but dang it, i really don’t feel like it. i’m sure i’m not the only one who’s been in this situation. having a lazy day isn’t typically an issue, but being constant laziness can cause you a lot of strife in your life. hey, that rhymed. learning to deal with our lazinessRead More →

comfort zone myth

“you have to push yourself, you need to test yourself, get out of your comfort zone.” how many times have you heard that? what does that even really mean? it means to put yourself at risk, to make yourself feel uncomfortable, to put yourself in a place where you feel less than confident, less than competent. but for WHAT exactly? when is the last time putting yourself at risk constantlyRead More →

van life faq

hello again accountabilibuddies. anybody else have an apple watch and hate the stand ring? i understand how it works, but it really grinds my gears on those days when i’m not moving around the office like a madman.  the last few months, i’ve been drenched in my own sweat, melting into a puddle of fast food and slowly morphing into a permanent concrete water fountain spitting out diet dr pepper andRead More →

episode 47: defining your priorities

i think on a previous episode, i spoke about how i’m always pushing several balls forward, very slowly, but it’s happening. some balls roll forward for days and weeks, months even, while some balls get left behind. i’ll glance over my shoulder at those couple of sad balls, but instead of abandoning them like i probably should, i give them a couple of nudges forward, hoping that will be enoughRead More →

episode 46: i'm good, thank you for asking

hey everybody.   i was going to make this episode about PRIORITIES, but while thinking about these priorities, i realized that i’ve neglected to check up on all of you.   it’s been a while since someone has asked me how i am. and considering the title of this podcast, i’m not really sure the last time i’ve asked how you all are doing, not just on the surface, inRead More →

Relaxation Induced Anxiety

If you’ve ever felt like trying to calm the fuck down exacerbates that anxiety, you’re not the only one. Evidence shows that around 15% of the population is susceptible to relaxation-induced anxiety, but under the right circumstances, anyone can experience these effects. Relaxation induced anxiety is what occurs when you become more uptight in your attempts to wind down. Here’s what happens to you. One moment you’re chillin in the hammock listeningRead More →

hello hello everybody. this episode is sponsored by ramblinvanradio.com, commercial free internet radio handcurated by yours truly. impress your friends with my horrible music taste! new music is added every week so our rotation is constantly updated. ramblinvanradio.com – bookmark it, tell your friends. this episode is a van episode – we gotta talk about how fucking hot it gets in your van during the summer. i’ve been living inRead More →

episode 44: catholic guilt (or just regular guilt)

does anybody else suffer from sudden, immense pangs of guilt from decisions that you made with your own best interests in mind?like, all you’re doing is doing something for yourself, not anything crazy or illegal, you’re just making a mildly selfish decision. we all do this. but then i do it, and i hear that voice in the back of my head talkin shit. this happens to me all theRead More →