Relaxation Induced Anxiety
If you’ve ever felt like trying to calm the fuck down exacerbates that anxiety, you’re not the only one. Evidence shows that around 15% of the population is susceptible to relaxation-induced anxiety, but under the right circumstances, anyone can experience these effects.
Relaxation induced anxiety is what occurs when you become more uptight in your attempts to wind down.
Here’s what happens to you. One moment you’re chillin in the hammock listening to music and enjoying the moment. The next you’re thinking about the loud clunk the car was making on the ride home.
Figure out what your subconscious is up to and how to set things right.

What Is Relaxation Induced Anxiety?

  1. Differentiate between various anxiety causes. You know you’re struggling with relaxation-induced anxiety when those intrusive thoughts catch you off guard. Not being able to chill yourself out or only responding to music instead of your brain is common in this type of anxiety.
  2. Acknowledge your challenges. Reflect on your feelings, and how they mess with your positive vibes. If you’re dressing up for a corporate conference, you may think you look sloppy. You might also hear your parents or teachers in the back of your head warning you about being lazy when they see you taking a break for a second.
  3. Watch your body. Some people are bursting with physiological reactions when they slow it down or speed it up. Get acquainted with your heart rate. Recognize when your breath increases or your body stiffens. Realize that these adjustments are normal.

How to Manage Relaxation Induced Anxiety

  1. Embrace your thoughts and emotions. One of the most powerful ways to overcome any symptoms of anxiety is to recognize it. Show your empathy for yourself and for whatever adversity you’re enduring. Understand that obstacles are part of living. Recognize your abilities and achievements.
  2. Take it easy on yourself. You probably know what this is like when you’re desperately trying to stop thinking about your damaged back tire. Eventually it’s the only thing you can think about. In the same way, forcing yourself to be still can make you feel more distressed. Slowly but surely integrate mindfulness meditation into your daily existence.
  3. Drop your expectations. Different techniques work for different people. Keep an open mind. Try out a new herbal tea or a new type of yoga you’ve been meaning to try. By concentrating on relaxing your mind, you can improve your awareness, which can be calming on its own.
  4. Be specific when self-talking. You might need more instruction than to just to calm yourself down. Scan your mind and body. Loosen up the jaw and lower the shoulders. Sometimes a pep talk doesn’t hurt.
  5. Be upfront with yourself. Be sure your words match your actions . Willfully ignoring a serious issue could possibly make you more upset than handling it.
  6. Improve the way you behave. Recognize the situations that usually make you apprehensive and come up with new solutions. You may find that a coworker is ready and able to modify assignments rather than assign tasks to you at the last second.
  7. Choose incentives that are meaningful to you. Strengthen your growing positive habits. Go camping, take a trip, go watch a movie. Whatever your little heart desires.
  8. Be a good support system for others. Doing for others brings the most relief, honestly. Small concerns fade when you get swept up in charity or deliver meals to a sick relative.
  9. Therapy might not even be so bad. If you have obsessive thoughts that disrupt your life, there are plenty of treatment options. Speak to your physician about the right choices for you. Stress relief is a crucial means of managing your sanity, safety and success. Establish appropriate techniques for your own individual anxiety symptoms and be okay with loosening up.

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