1000 days of sobriety

I’ve been thinking about this episode for a while, and since it’s coming up soon, I decided some reflection is good after a few years. Today is my thousandth day of sobriety. Does that mean that I wrote and recorded this episode in advance? Yes. Yes, it does. At first, I didn’t wanna talk about it because I didn’t wanna jinx it, but as time went on, I realized there’sRead More →

episode 55: balancing wants & needs to avoid burnout

well, here we are. nearly 5 months on the road, and this season, it feels different. last year, i was blissfully unaware of how much money i was spending without replenishing for around the first 4 months. then the last 2 months became so stressful that i couldn’t wait to get home. this season, i left about 2 months earlier, and by month 3, i was already feeling that paycheck-to-paycheckRead More →

episode 52: running on fumes (and other car analogies)

so i’m not gonna lie, craig – i’m past the point of empty right now.  i’m exhausted mentally.  every day, 7 days a week from before sun up to past sunset, i am at my computer working. there are so many gears going at once, and i have to constantly switch them up that i feel like i’m not being efficient with my time. even right now, as i recordRead More →

episode 47: defining your priorities

i think on a previous episode, i spoke about how i’m always pushing several balls forward, very slowly, but it’s happening. some balls roll forward for days and weeks, months even, while some balls get left behind. i’ll glance over my shoulder at those couple of sad balls, but instead of abandoning them like i probably should, i give them a couple of nudges forward, hoping that will be enoughRead More →

episode 46: i'm good, thank you for asking

hey everybody.   i was going to make this episode about PRIORITIES, but while thinking about these priorities, i realized that i’ve neglected to check up on all of you.   it’s been a while since someone has asked me how i am. and considering the title of this podcast, i’m not really sure the last time i’ve asked how you all are doing, not just on the surface, inRead More →

episode 44: catholic guilt (or just regular guilt)

does anybody else suffer from sudden, immense pangs of guilt from decisions that you made with your own best interests in mind?like, all you’re doing is doing something for yourself, not anything crazy or illegal, you’re just making a mildly selfish decision. we all do this. but then i do it, and i hear that voice in the back of my head talkin shit. this happens to me all theRead More →

episode 40: fomo or bust

i think it’s time for us to get off social media. you are a brand online. and if you’re not the brand, you are the product.it’s in everyone’s best interest to put our best faces on online. it’s the only thing we actually have any control over in life. your behavior sometimes exhibits that perfectly. have you ever opened up incognito mode to search for something or access a certainRead More →