recorded this while i was sick af. the things you sacrifice for a little asian persuasion… no pigeons. or scrubs. whatever you guys call it these days. recognize one when you see them, and learn to say no. hey. stop loaning people money.idk who needs to hear this, but stop it now.listen, i know it sounds greedy or stingy or whatever, but you know the difference between helping someone who’sRead More →

everything is temporary. that job that you don’t like. the car you’re driving.the apartment you’re renting.the bad day you’re having. your favorite jacket eventually ends up in the donation pile. you crack your favorite pipe.  your friends die. dog runs away. it’s all temporary, for better or for worse.  sometimes we take what we have for granted. we become so comfortable with our situation that we don’t always appreciate what weRead More →

as 2019 shuts the fuck down, i wanna close with some words from uncle snoop. as snoop dogg said, i wanna thank me. i wanna thank me for believing in me. i wanna thank me for doing all this hard work. i wanna thank me for having no days off.i wanna thank me for never quitting.  i wanna thank me for always being a giver and always trying to give more thanRead More →

coming soon – the latest iteration of hi, how are you: van edition? this is a marriage of two of my creative forces, my audio journal as you all know it, and my latest quest to becoming a digital nomad. will i make it? will i fall on my face and relapse again? all this and more, as i do it all out of my van. just please don’t abandonRead More →